Wellness as Life


Wellness isn't just a concept to aspire to.  Wellness is a way of life to step into.

Wellness is a daily challenge.  

A dare.

It dares you to take aspects of your life:

  • Mental
  • Physical
  • Spiritual
  • Relational 
  • Financial

And give them a good shake up.  To embrace them as part of you in a way that offers respect to the life you are called to live.

We need to honour our minds, bodies, spirits, relationships and our means to live.  We need to cultivate and grow them.

It's Spring and the rains that fall on the ground are nurturing the growth that is coming.  We should all be nurturing growth in our lives.

So I am taking this Wellness Dare.

Thirty-Eight weeks pregnant, I am honouring the body and life I have been given and will strive to respect and nurture these things. 

Asking myself:

How can I challenge growth in my life and mind?

What are health and wellness lifestyle choices I can improve?

What does my spirit need and crave?

What relationships need work?

How can I work towards a financial goal?

Only you can ask yourself and answer the questions surrounding wellness, but when you do, you'll find you will be inspired to embrace this slow oncoming Spring with a new energy. 

Will you join me?