LIFESTYLE | April 2020 Reads


Mary Poppins | P. L. Travers

A read from March I forgot to record. Mary Poppins was a blast to read aloud as a family and was a great lead into watching the Disney classic. As a parent, you start to realize that Mary Poppin’s sensibilities were always slyly put in places the belonged the most. And usually, always about the world needing to shift and shape up and letting the children, be children.

Rhythms of Renewal | Rebekah Lyons

After hearing Rebekah interviewed I quickly ordered her book. I find anyone who wants to study the rhythms of seasons, creativity and spirituality combined is someone I want to hear from. This book has not disappointed. Her approach to her faith and how she lives a more balanced life is refreshing.

Dawn of a Distant Shore | Sara Donati

The second in the Wilderness series. Dawn of a Distant Shore didn’t disappoint, although I found it a bit less engaging as the first. It’s always fun to read when characters come into my dear home and native land as Canada and even reference or come into the Halifax area. That being said, the most interesting character arc in the story for me, was the adolescent daughter. Her perspective on their journeys was always what I wanted to flip to.