LIFESTYLE | August 2021 Reads


Malibu Rising | Taylor Jenkins Reid

A captivating and descriptive tale of a family that grew up in Malibu. Spanning the timeline of two generations we get to see the beginnings and the fall out of a family. This novel delivers the beautiful landscape of Malibu, while also revealing the destructive nature of what it means to put all your hopes and dreams into one solitary ‘element’. Be that a person, a place or a thing.
The perfect summer read.

Bridgerton | The Duke & I | Julia Quinn

I picked this up out of interest of wanting to read the novel before watching the Shonda Rhimes series. With adaptations I am always interested in what was chosen to be included or not. This novel although slightly different than its television series which is more ‘based on the characters of’ gives its own beautiful and romantic punch. I adore the society columnist giving her take at the beginning of each chapter (which Julie Andrews does such a great job at in the series with her voice over), and I love the strong female characters who are very much within the restraints of their era but yet remain three dimensional within their roles.
Beautifully done.
It’s safe to say I will be continuing on with this series both on Netflix and in books.

Peter Pan and Wendy | J.M. Berry

J.M Berry’s writing has always been an inspiration to me. I believe I first read Peter Pan as a late teen and re-fell in love with the tale. Of course, some of the depictions are outdated, but when you move past that dated stereotypes and focus on everything else, you can see how perfectly wonderful a storyteller the man was. He breathed creative genius in so many ways. Words weaving in and out of the narrative, giving the reader something to hold on to. It’s no surprise that Peter Pan was first a play before a book. It’s words depict a fully visual and beautiful world.

The Next Right Thing | Emily P. Freeman

Emily has been a writer I have followed for years. Her podcast ‘The Next Right Thing’ a comfort during many a time, especially during the pandemic. That being said, it seemed sad that I had not yet read The Next Right Thing Book yet, so I have finally rectified that. If you are looking for a read that will give you permission to mindfully and intentionally process through your life and decisions, this is a perfect read.

In Film / Television

Dirty Dancing | because while in our cottage during vacation at night with our daughter asleep, this seemed like the perfect summer watch. It was. For me, summer air & dancing is the most delicious thing.
Bridgerton | because adaptations are my jam and this is no exception.