I Never Promised...How the North American Mega Church Movement Affected Me

Reward Systems

How well you perform under pressure determines how praised and holy you are.
Double points if you have a good memory and can navigate the Bible quickly.
Triple points if you bring a friend.
Quadruple points if you give your allowance at tithe time.

Miss a Sunday?
Quietly judging you while slipping passive aggressive comments your way.

Does the leadership / youth pastor approve?

Must attend all of the following: morning service, evening service, meeting, practice, home group, study group, outreach, missions trip, ladies / mens breakfasts, special service, prayer night…etc.etc.

Seating placement
Closer to the front, the more serious about your faith you are.
Act accordingly and choose wisely

Personal Issues?
We will tell you what is best and you will accept our guidance.
Disagreeing is disagreeing with ‘truth’.

Mental Health Struggles?
Pray more.

Only happens in this building and in sanctioned home groups / events

Pop Culture
Will use references for quippy sermon slides and advertising.
Reserved rights to critique, snark and vilify any and all mainstream art and hot topic events.
****War films and the Lord of the Rings Franchise do not apply.****

Lights, Camera, Action
The higher the production value, the closer to God.

10% and all your time.
& then give more, it’s never enough.

How the North American Mega Church Movement Affected Me is a reflection on my upbringing in an evangelical mega church. It is not lost on me that the word ‘corporate’, a word predominately used in business settings was used routinely to remind members of the group ‘togetherness’ in any activity.
My personal experience growing up in a mega church felt sterile, systematic, tiered, controlled, cold and unattainable.

Since leaving this model of faith practice at age 17 I have experienced different and more positive expressions of faith and spiritual community. Although I still carry a faith and spiritual practice, how I practice and express that today looks and feels different.

I Never Promised I Would Stay Quiet About It… is a series of revelations, observations and citations on the topics and concepts often considered taboo.