UPDATE | The Mom Show Yoga Flow | May 28th

What can you expect from this inspiring women-centered special event?


Your Presenters

Amy Grace

by Amy Grace is a writer, producer and performer who is passionate about empowering women through collaborations and various art forms. In the past year Amy wrote and starred in The Mom Show or the Most Boring Show Ever at The Atlantic Fringe Festival. Since 2013 she has been running a monthly collective meet up for creative women in the Halifax area “The Creatives”. She trained at Neptune Theatre's Pre Professional Training Program, is married to her high school sweet heart, Jeremy Lai, an engineer and her online/all things technology right-hand. Together they have a toddler and live in Bedford.

Katherine King

Katherine King is a Registered Massage Therapist, a Registered Yoga Teacher, and a mom to three snarky but loveable tween and teen kids. She believes in living life FULLY and giving out vibes of caring and authentic connection to every beautiful soul she meets. She is THRILLED to be bringing back her signature touch style to yoga practitioners in the Bedford / Larry Uteck area. Currently, Katherine teaches a variety of awesome yoga classes: Flow, Yin, Restorative, Prenatal, and Yoga + Massage at several studios in the Bedford/Hammonds Plains area as well as through private instruction. Katherine's unique style of teaching asana and intention both UPLIFTS your spirit, as she guides you in each practice to become more GROUNDED in mind and body than ever before.


The Mom Show or The Most Boring Show Ever, is an empowering and comedic take and journey through new motherhood from prenatal to postpartum. Using yoga as a platform, along with comedic honesty, Amy performs the journey of a woman becoming mother in todays society and aims to empower by delving into self care, self worth and what it means to see oneself as whole and worthy. The Mom Show isn't just for moms. It's for anyone wanting to take back their worth and have a laugh while doing it.


Your 60 minute Yinyasa practice will bring vitality and nourishment to your body through 30 mins of all-levels flowing standing series asanas linked mindfully with breath, followed by 30 mins of glorious body softening Yin postures (floor series) with Katherine's amazing assists and grounding, soothing massage touch (optional, to each attendees consent).


Enjoy your show and yoga flow in a beautiful sunlit and spacious practice area at 37 Shaughnessy Place in The Ravines of Bedford. A former QEII Show Home, it is situated along a private cul-de-sac where you will find ample and easy street parking.


We want to say "Thank You" for showing up and being involved in women supporting other women!

Every attendee is welcome to a celebratory, complimentary signature bevy post flow.

You will also depart with a truly unbelievable 'SWAG BAG' of awesome items from local Bedford/Hammonds Plains Womenpreneurs . You are not going to believe these goodies!!

A portion of the proceeds will be going to Dress for Success - Halifax Chapter.

LIFESTYLE | Second Birthday
Zoë Wing Zhe Lai - Two Years Old.

Zoë Wing Zhe Lai - Two Years Old.

Coming alongside this little spirit to raise her into her place in this world has created an evolution in us.  Finding more purpose, meaning and intention in the 'dailys'.  Letting go of the unnecessary, making time for what creates a whole, healthy and functioning family, and growing deeper in a sense of individuality within all of that.

Two years of life has uncovered her independent nature.  There is nothing more stunning than seeing a little woman assert herself and her discernment of her own readiness astounds us.  When she has decided she is ready to learn a new skill, word or game, nothing will stop her.  She has also the patience to wait for her own spirit and body to catch up.  She will not be rushed or pushed into anything.

Peanut Butter Cupcake Cones - Family Tradition

Peanut Butter Cupcake Cones - Family Tradition

Two years of solidifying our little family and learning about each other.  Quiet moments before the days end, all of us in the bed, even the cat, snuggled in and we inhale that scent of togetherness.

Two years of uncovering her incredible personhood.  

Thankful for this little spirit full of life, for her health, her nature, her ups and her downs.  Every year with her is a blessing.

UPDATE | Why We Chose a Doula

It's been over a year since we made this video for Newbirth Doula, Adrienne Kehler It feels timely to re-share our love for doulas on our daughters Zoës second birthday and only a few days before we collaborate with the Nova Scotia Doula Association.

Check out their event page for this Saturday May 6th! 
The Mom Show can be attended outside of this workshop.
Bedford Basin Farmers Market
397, Bedford Highway
$15.00 at the door!



Excited to be spending this week preparing for showing 'The Mom Show' in collaboration with the Nova Scotia Doula Association for this coming Saturday!

Having a doula was a huge part of my birth experience and I am proud to be coming alongside them in this workshop!

If you are in the Bedford, NS area and want to see the show you do not have to be attending the workshop to come see it.  Tickets will be sold at the door for The Mom Show so don't hesitate to come by and enjoy 30 mins of comedy and honesty rolled into one!

The Mom Show at the Rebozo Connection: The Gena Kirby Method
May 6th
4:30pm <---- The Mom Show Start Time
Bedford Basin Farmers Market
397 Bedford Highway

The Mom Show
Rebozo Connection Workshop


LIFESTYLE | Vulnerability
Childs Pose

Childs Pose

I've been learning these past ten years that my vulnerability is what makes me not only stronger, but courageous and real.  Being vulnerable is a refining process and with every step out in bravery that I have taken has lead me here.  I wouldn't trade those risks, those times of despair, heart aches, disappointments or lessons learned for the comfort of staying in my seat.

I feel deeply, I live deeply and because of that, I believe I am called to be deeply vulnerable.  
Even when, I would rather not. 

As I cancelled an event I deeply wanted to see happen, I cracked open Brené Browns book "Rising Strong" and began to read her opening pages.  The timing of reading her words was inspired and I believe I was kept from reading this book until now.  Because now is when I needed it.

rising strong.byamygrace
"I want to be in the arena.  I want to be brave with my life.  And when we make the choice to dare greatly, we sign up to get our asses kicked.  We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can't have both.  Not at the same time.
Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it's having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome.  Vulnerability is not weakness; it's our greatest measure of courage." - Brené Brown  


So, I poured coffee this morning after doing yoga with my almost two year old, cracked open my journal and began to write about how I am still in this.  That being vulnerable and falling is part of this whole process.

I am here and working on these projects for a purpose and that purpose isn't defined or decided by a simple cancelation, or words of critique.  My job is stay grounded, stay on the surf board and ride the wave.  

I choose courage.  I choose vulnerability.  

SPOTLIGHT | Megan Piercey Monafu

Megan and I met in High School where we bonded over our love for theatre, writing and our little posse of friends.  Megan not only has developed her passion for theatre and writing into her professional adult life, she is a living example of what being a woman dedicated to the love of her craft is.  She is passionate, and stays true to herself and that has been and still is something that moves me.  Make sure to check out CSArt Ottawa and anytime she has work in your area.

How would you describe yourself?

I’m a playwright. I also like to write non-fiction. I’m a theatre director. I also started a small art business called CSArt Ottawa, which I guess makes me an entrepreneur. I’m a creative facilitator who specializes in adapting drama activities to diverse settings and groups.

This is a hard question. There are so many ways I would like to describe myself. I’m a person who, through profession, curiosity, and luck, has ended up in many very interesting rooms with fascinating groups of people. Businesspeople, statespeople, politicians, government workers, artists, activists, academics, people with disabilities, people who work in social services, faith leaders of different religions. Very rich people and very poor people, people with a huge amount of privilege and people who are severly underprivileged. I end up in very interesting conversations, and I switch hats a lot. I like to think of my artistic work as a condensation of these experiences, as a poetry that comes through me from the accumulation of the stories I hear and witness.

But that’s probably not the whole truth. It’s only poetry on the very best rare occasions. I end up writing about myself a lot more than I intend to. In some ways, you are only really writing about yourself.

What role does creativity play in your life?

It’s everything I do that is in any way worthwhile. Loving takes creativity. Getting up in the morning and finding a way to make yourself useful in the world takes a huge amount of creativity.

What are you currently working on?

I am writing a play right now inspired by my experiences working in social housing. It is my MFA thesis, due in 3 weeks(!). I am sure it won’t be truly finished for a while though… the theme is help, and how complicated it is to give and receive help. It takes a long time to think it through… I’m looking forward to taking a break from it because it makes me sad to sit down and write it, every time. Once it’s passed in, I’m going to go back to writing my play about virtual reality and the corporate tech world, because reading and writing about the crazy VR/AR technology and AI stuff going down right now makes me happy.

I’m also working on getting the second season of CSArt Ottawa launched! That’s a completely different creative task, curating and producing other people’s work. I’m enjoying it even more than I thought I would. It’s quite satisfying to find artists I believe in, give them resources for their work, and promote them. There’s very little ego in it for me, just the joy of gathering people and showing work.

And I recently took a day job in pursuit of a ‘parallel career’, a place to use my skills in other worthwhile ways while also taking the financial pressure off of my art work. I think there’s a real stigma around artists having day jobs; that it’s somehow an admission of defeat, or that your work suddenly becomes a hobby rather than a vocation. I think that’s terribly unfair. I have no regrets. I’m working with cool people on a cool project, learning new things, meeting new people. It is having a positive effect on my art work and my life.

What was the last book/movie/podcast etc. that left an impression on you?

I’m over halfway through reading The Idiot by Fyodor Doestoyevski. I had to stop for a while because it was breaking my heart.

It’s amazing that a 46-year-old Russian man from the late-1800s wrote something that a 27-year-old Canadian woman now can feel so connected to. That’s magic. It gives me hope right now when to me the world feels like it’s going to fall apart at any moment. I read the news almost every day, and then I read novels as an antidote to hopelessness.

What advice would you give to other creatively driven people?

Find your people. Collaborators whose work you believe in, and who believe in your work, are incredibly valuable. Honour those relationships.

It doesn’t matter how much money you make from your work, only how much heart you put into it, how hard you work on making it as perfect as possible, how much you try to learn, how honest you are with yourself, and how well this all connects with other people.

LIFESTYLE | Bullet Journal

Being a writer and a task oriented person planners, journals, notebooks, pads of paper... they make me drool.

My problem?  Too many options, layouts, designs, covers, sizes, brands, etc.

I came across the concept of bullet journaling either through youtube or Pinterest.  I am not sure how it happened, but when I did... I was hooked.

Heres the link to the main website.

Heres how I do it.

Every New Year:
1 Journal for Day Planner purposes (Dotted paper)
1 Journal for personal journaling (Lined paper)

Both journals must be of similar size and compliment each other.
For this year?

A Leuchtturm1917 Taupe
A Kate Spade Rose Gold

I peruse my Pinterest board for saved bullet journaling images for the formats I believe would work for me, and then I play.  I have fun and I end up getting a more refined idea of how I want my life to be and feel as I progress throughout the year.  

Here is how I have formatted my bullet journal for 2017:

Introduction Page with Word and Vision Quote of the Year.

Introduction Page with Word and Vision Quote of the Year.

Year 2017 Overview

Year 2017 Overview

Wellness Wheel Map with inspiring quote

Wellness Wheel Map with inspiring quote

Month to Month Layout 'Migration'

Month to Month Layout 'Migration'

Spring Layout with Goals and Wardrobe Planning

Spring Layout with Goals and Wardrobe Planning

Month of April Intro Page.

Month of April Intro Page.

A typical day to day layout.

A typical day to day layout.

Week Vs. Weekend Lifestyle Goals/Habits

Week Vs. Weekend Lifestyle Goals/Habits


2017 Check in Goals

Book/TV Shows/Movies/Podcast Tracker

Book/TV Shows/Movies/Podcast Tracker

Malasana Pose / As I like to call it :&nbsp;the natural birthing pose.&nbsp;

Malasana Pose / As I like to call it : the natural birthing pose. 

I often get asked 'Why yoga?' when I describe my thirty minute one woman comedy/drama show is me on a yoga mat, doing yoga and using yoga as a platform to share my work.

I wrote The Mom Show or The Most Boring Show Ever at first, as a cathartic exercise.  The only thing coming out after having a baby was 'about having a baby'.  It was natural for me to let the words flow from a true and honest place.  I hope all women believe that what they have to share in their evolution into motherhood is valued and has a place in this world.  We need to hear more from them.

Woman. Mother.
Mother. Woman.

For me, they are one.  Intertwined and equally as valuable.  From my womanhood I am mother, and from my mother I am woman.  
Learning how to move my body again post birth by using my daily yoga practice was a healing journey.  My identity had been drastically altered and I was adrift with my own spirit and calling.  We'd all like to be those tough women who say "Motherhood didn't change me!"  But it does!  Anyone who says that it doesn't either has never had a child, been parents for years and blocked that stage of life out, or are trying to sell you something. 

Yoga is the ultimate mind, body, spirit workout.  By practicing it everyday that first month after my daughter was born I was giving myself permission to connect with my breath, my heartbeat, my true core questions and thoughts.  

So when I sat down with all of my thoughts on Mother. Woman.  Woman. Mother.  And began to edit each draft, I was seeing how clearly it all ebbed and flowed.  I could feel the inhale and the exhale in my words and the most natural thing in that moment was to pair them with yoga.

I chose yoga because it doesn't hide the truth about you.  If you are anxious or unsettled it shows, if you are strong and confident, it also shows.  There is a raw and deeply spiritual physical representation of oneself when you move your body and this is why I chose Yoga to be the platform for a one woman show about womanhood and motherhood intertwined.




SEASONAL | Why I Pass Grace

Easter Weekend.

For me, Easter is a time to reflect on why Grace and Love is so important.  I take my faith intentionally, and the practice of Communion is more than just drinking a sip of fruit juice or wine and chewing a cracker like its a habit.  The true practice of Communion is the practice of Grace and Love every single day.

We need to be passing Grace like we pass the bread.  Passing Love like we pass the wine.   Because we are always close to either communing with Gods people at the table or critiquing Gods people.  And that critiquing?  That critiquing spills the wine through the cracks of the table, onto the floor where we miss out.  We miss out on passing and receiving and end up getting lost in what could have been a beautiful Grace Communion.

We break the bread and drink the wine because of Love.  Because of Grace.


Attending the  New Waves Workshop Series by Women In Film and Television Atlantic has been an empowering and enriching experience so far.  There are many notes from these classes stowed in a corner of my desk waiting for a more relaxing day in the summer to ponder and make intentional plans with.  Tips, tricks, quippy quotes... amazing things happen when you put creative women around a table and are vulnerable with each others need to learn more.

One of these nights we were able to play around with a tool for Stop Motion Video.  It seemed fitting that I apply it to my upcoming show.

1313 Hollis Street, Halifax. N.S.
30 Min One Woman Show
45 Min Yoga Flow




Over the past month I made the whimsical decision to try to capture my words on Instagram with these little square note papers I have in my desk.  In truth, I don't have many left and maybe that is what makes them precious.  Over the past six years I have been using them around the house to write down words I have heard or read that motivate, inspire, empower and are insightful to me.

These squares are different.  These are my own words.  Maybe it was the fact that one of my dearest suggested I should start capturing my words in this way, or maybe it was that not many of these white squares are left.  Either way... it's turned into a project of sorts and I am proud of it.
Each square has a reason for being written and they insight joy and light in me.

WORDS on WHITE has evolved and continues to evolve and I wanted to share it with you this week.

What will the next square be?

LIFESTYLE | Winter 2017 Toddler Capsule Wardrobe
Clock-wise From Top Centre: White Winter Hat | H&amp;M, White Shirt with Skates on it | The GAP,&nbsp;Folded Pink Pyjamas | Joe Fresh,&nbsp;'Everything's S'more Fun With You'&nbsp;Folded Pink Shirt | Carters, Blue Whale | Christmas gift from Auntie …

Clock-wise From Top Centre: White Winter Hat | H&M, White Shirt with Skates on it | The GAP, Folded Pink Pyjamas | Joe Fresh, 'Everything's S'more Fun With You' Folded Pink Shirt | Carters, Blue Whale | Christmas gift from Auntie Nicole, Wodden Teddy Cut Outs | Melissa & Doug Gift from Grandma & Grandpa, White Heart Sweater | Carters, Red Nordic Pyjamas | Joe Fresh, Jeans | Second hand, Snowflake Pants | The Gap, Pink Nordic Pants | Joe Fresh, Stella Doll Diaper Bag & Accessories | Various Gifts from Grandma & Grandpa, Stella Doll | Indigo, Winter Boots | Joe Fresh, Pink Snow Suit Pants & Coat Set | Joe Fresh, Yellow Bird | Japan - Gift From Auntie Jasmine, 'Baby Roo I Love You' Book | IndigoValentines Day Gift from Mama & Dada, Little People Girl & Teddy | Gift from Grandma & Grandpa

After documenting my own wardrobe I thought I had recorded Zoës at the same time.  Come to find out, I had not.  During her lunch today I scoured the boxes for things I had packed away, items she had outgrown (pants) and pulled it together in a bit of a rush.  Either way, here we are.

The big stand outs are highlighted in this capture and although there are other items she wore this past winter season, none as often as these.  What is missing from this is the blue jogging pants from Carters she currently is wearing today.  ;)

Our favourites are without a doubt the cozy pink shirt 'Everything's S'more Fun With You ' from Carters , that White Winter Hat we bought her for her first winter, which she will definitely not fit next year, and that adorable winter jacket.  

Included in this capture are the toys and articles which have become her most favourite and most used this season.  Blue Whale is a must for every cuddle session and the Stella Doll "Dolly" is becoming the everyday "Dolly-does-what-I-do" friend.  The two "Little People" by Fisher Price were given to her as a pair on Dedication Day at Church and as a pair they must stay.  She only plays with them together.  

All in all, winter clothing is tough in toddler world with the constantly needing to be dressed and undressed.  As cute as all these items are, I won't complain when the only thing she has on is a loose romper or dress.  Plus... who can resist toddler arms, legs and bellies peeking out for a good romp outside.


This Spring the Mom Show is rolling out it's mat to collaborate with Lindsay Umlah to provide "The Mom Show & Yoga Flow".  We're excited to see how this 30 minute comedic show along with a 45 Minute flow will empower, enrich and bring light to mamas, women and anyone wanting to support them.  


'Amy will be performing The Mom Show or The Most Boring Show Ever, her empowering and comedic take and journey through new motherhood from prenatal to postpartum. Using yoga as a platform, along with comedic honesty, Amy performs the journey of a woman becoming mother in todays society and aims to empower by delving into self care, self worth and what it means to see oneself as whole and worthy. The Mom Show isn't just for moms. It's for anyone wanting to take back their worth and have a laugh while doing it. 

Lindsay will follow up Amy’s performance with an enriching and inspiring yoga flow helping you deeply connect to the message of empowerment and worth strung throughout Amy’s performance. We’ll flow, laugh, and reconnect to our power by moving our bodies with breath. All bodies and levels are welcome, as this is an opportunity to dive in, explore and reconnect to your power and strength by showing up with curiosity and openness. 

This workshop is perfect whether you’re a new mom, expecting mama, or someone who enjoys a good laugh and an opportunity to be empowered and inspired by the fierceness that is woman. You can rest assured that whatever stage of life you’re in, if you show up, you will leave feeling empowered, inspired and a little more connected to your fierce and fabulous self.

We look forward to seeing you on your mat.'




LIFESTYLE | Winter 2017 Capsule Wardrobe
Clockwise from top Left: Indigo Reading Socks , Pink Sparkle HeadBand | Winners, White Mittens | Bizou , Love Warrior by Glenneon Doyle Melton, Black Long Turtle Neck Quarter-length sleeves | Winners, Grey Hooded Button Sweater | Suzy Shiers, Folded…

Clockwise from top Left: Indigo Reading Socks , Pink Sparkle HeadBand | Winners, White Mittens | Bizou , Love Warrior by Glenneon Doyle Melton, Black Long Turtle Neck Quarter-length sleeves | Winners, Grey Hooded Button Sweater | Suzy Shiers, Folded Blue sweater | Passed on from Nicole, Pink Scarf | Suzy Shiers, Rose Gold Nail Polish | Essie, Simplicity Earrings | Modcloth.com , Champagne Toast | Bath and Body Works, Black gloves | Winners, A-line Grey Dress | modcloth.com, Grey Journal | Leuchtturm , Rose Gold Journal | Kate Spade, Ultra Repair Cream | First Aid Beauty, Grey Romper | From Jasmine Alexanders trip to Korea. Pink Sweater with White Ribbons / Aerie

Ultra Repair Cream recommendation from Beth Enman at Living While. &nbsp;A true life savour during the harsh winds off the water during my winter walks.

Ultra Repair Cream recommendation from Beth Enman at Living While.  A true life savour during the harsh winds off the water during my winter walks.

As more seasons pass curating and developing a capsule wardrobe, I find the additions are becoming necessity or statement focused.  Winter season began, I took note of what needed to be replaced, added and eyed a statement item or two to complete the set, then I let it be.

For me, where I live, a four season wardrobe is not only enjoyable but necessary.  Halifax, NS is used to all kinds of weather, famous for it's fog and short summers.  From my perspective, it's more like our seasons have a bit of every mild version of a season inside them, but we do expierence every season fully.  Which means, things like winter gear, rain gear, beach gear, autumn jackets etc. are all things one needs.  We get frigid temps at times during the dead of winter, and absolutely sleepless heat temps late summer.

Along with the items pictured above I was also given another long grey/black sweater from Jasmine Alexander, purchased a pair of shorter brown boots to replace a pair I have been wearing for almost ten years and wore the Gap Dark Skinny Jeans and H&M Black Stretch Pants.

Winter, although cold inspired me this year.  It felt like a complete reset.  Maybe it was because I started the first day of the year standing in my best friends wedding in that grey dress.  Or maybe it's because I got to visioning and goal setting in that romper.  Or maybe, it's because I truly relaxed and enjoyed many cozy moments with my family in that cute warm pink sweater.

Either way, this capsule is my favourite so far.  

Cozy, Pretty & Me.

Polka Dot shirt From Hong Kong. &nbsp;Seen many theatre and rehearsal days. &nbsp;Completely stained in the arm pits and around the neck. &nbsp;A sad but warm goodbye.

Polka Dot shirt From Hong Kong.  Seen many theatre and rehearsal days.  Completely stained in the arm pits and around the neck.  A sad but warm goodbye.

One of two winter house socks from Winners. &nbsp;Didn't hold up well and bit the dust early.&nbsp;

One of two winter house socks from Winners.  Didn't hold up well and bit the dust early. 



SPOTLIGHT | Tasia Craig
Tasia Craig 2016.

Tasia Craig 2016.

Tasia and I have known each other for six years and over that time I have watched her work develop and grow and have loved it in it's entirity.  She has one of those laughs that makes you laugh along with her.  Here are her words on herself, creativity and beyond.  TAISA CRAIG WEBSITE

1. How would you describe yourself?

Passionate. I’m a whole heart in, everything or nothing, kind of gal. I don’t know how to do things without meaning. If it has no meaning to me I have a hard time forcing myself to do it. I spent many years wishing I were more robotic, because that’s easier and more efficient, but I have learned that life to the fullest is a life with highs and lows and feelings and messiness and emotions.

2. What role does creativity play in your life?

I was raised by an incredibly creative woman who saw budgets and meal plans just as much a creative endeavour as her weekend projects. And I am in love with a man who is an incredible artist but does not identify as creative, but rather as hard working. I dance on that line of believing every task in life is a creative pursuit and yet realizing that creativity ultimately is achieved by simply putting in hard work. Life, to me, is a series of challenges and puzzles, games that can be trudged through to “mediocre” or can be approached from every possible angle until one unique solutions feels more right than the others. This is true for me solving a math problem or designing an object. I have to explore and that is both creativity and mundanity in one.

3. What are you currently working on?

I am currently working on designing and making a line of small household objects. It is fun and exhausting and full of trial and error like any creative pursuit. It involves doing it wrong as many times as I need to before I do it well enough. There will always be a way it could be better and as I learned all too deeply in architecture school: nothing is ever done, there is just “done enough.” I’m not there yet with this line, though I expected to be by now. Other than the housewares, I work on smaller things like a blog, design projects, and dream up wild and crazy schemes with you, Amy.

4. What was the last book/movie/podcast etc. that left an impression on you?

The person of Cheryl Strayed. Her book Tiny, Beautiful Things is my devotional. Her words make life make sense and I consult them often. I also recently rewatched her Super Soul Sunday episode and was reminded that her life was simultaneously as tiny as struggling to pay bills and as huge as have a national best seller and being on Oprah. She balances the absurdities of life in a raw way and it really speaks to me. Also Abstract on Netflix, beyond being fascinating I think it is a designer’s paradise to soak in how different disciplines approach design. All of it is useful and applicable to our own practices. We are more alike than we are different.

5. What advice would you give other creatively driven people?

Only pursue the things that make you happy, because life is too short to be an accountant if you hate numbers or a painter if what you really prefer is sculpture. Money, or fame, or stability are useless if you are not in love with your life. You only get one, fall in love with its past, its present, and its future possibilities. Love is a choice and is worth it, work hard to stay in love because being creative isn’t exclusive to people who recognize their creativity. I believe everyone is creative, some have just been blessed enough to embrace and pursue it. Remember to love that.

2017 | Spring
Spring Planning. &nbsp;Bullet Journal. 2017

Spring Planning.  Bullet Journal. 2017

It's not a secret that this is my favorite time of year.  For me, Spring is reflective of a renewed mind, body and spirit.

Having expierenced two young deaths this winter in my own broader social circle, I realize that Spring may be painful to those around me.  It marks the continuation of living without.  It creates a point in time where everything alive is thriving and everything not alive, has passed.

But I'd like to think there is hope in spring.  Hope that there can be beauty after pain.  Hope that deep sorrow can be planted in this fresh soil and bring forth something, anything.  Anything to remind us that our grief is of value.

I am moved to deeply pray for those of us who know this pain, that we allow ourselves to be renewed again and again.  That we live as quiet reminders for those in the midst of the pain.

We need to be mindfully aware of what we are planting for those around us.  What will they see in our secret little garden? 

Spring's renewal in me:

MIND | Exploring the Film and Television Industry and claiming my value as a writer and creator has opened a 'Secret Garden' for me. I feel like Mary Lennox asking for her 'little bit of earth' and starting to see her garden grow.   I want to stay as hungry for learning, for inspiration and work as I feel now.

BODY | Enjoying the slow exploration of a beauty/hygiene routine.   Mindfully learning about products that I can use, or proper routines for skin care is becoming a meditation.  Slowly applying a hydrating night cream as I contemplate the days blessings and struggles.  

SOUL | Maintaining habits that are good for my overall wellness.  Sleep routines, healthy eating, quiet time, turning my phone off... simple daily check ins that are allowing me to thrive and strive in my life.  Underestimating the power of healthy habits is proving to be a misstep.