I Never Promised.... Things I am Learning to Unlearn


It was never supposed to be a one-size-fits-all but a unique role…like an individual fingerprint.

Only ‘you’ can hold that imprint.

It’s yours to design.

Report Cards

They were never a true reflection of my full intelligence,

merely a report on how well I assimilated into one mould of learning.

Gender Roles

The script about our roles and identity was a constructed play developed by culture.

What we do with our roles is entirely up to ourselves.


The high vigilance to protect ‘what is’

keeps us restrained from the abundance of ‘what can be’.


Its job was not to keep you frozen in place. 
Its job was to nudge you to move in the direction you need to move best for you.


They were never going to be satisfied with how you fulfilled their hopes and ideals.
Inhale, exhale.
You are enough.


They can be torn down; it just takes work.

Things I Am Learning to Unlearn was written after realizing how much I was processing through old belief systems. Everything from one’s childhood to one’s adulthood, we collect ‘so-called’ truths from our environments and ultimately, if we are privileged and aware enough, spend the entirety of our lives unlearning what we took on that was never ours to believe in the first place.

I Never Promised I Would Stay Quiet About It… is a series of revelations, observations and citations on the topics and concepts often considered taboo.