by Amy Grace

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Mid Year Reflections | 2024

Starting 2024 with a word like Ace felt like a power move that scared and excited me.

The 2020s have been notorious far for being wild and completely unhinged in what they have brought us, and yet - perhaps that was why I needed to plant my feet firmly on the ground and claim a word that I had already been secretly honing in on.

During the past six months, Ace has taught me…

Ask the Questions

If something doesn’t pass the smell test, you are right 99.9% of the time. Don’t question your concerns after seeing the proof.

Make Your Move

You move how you need to move for yourself and those you advocate for.

Stay Patient

While waiting for things to play out, stay quiet (only after you have made your move), humble, and patient.

Celebrate the Outcomes

When the outcome turns in your favour, celebrate. Your hard work deserves to be relished.

Rise to the Occasion

Hard work doesn’t end at the celebration point. Continue to rise to the occasion.

Looking back at January’s 2024 OneWord Post : A Year of Aces