2022 | A Year of Space

space | spās | noun
1 a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied
2 the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move
3 an interval of time (often used to suggest that the time is short considering what has happened or been achieved in it)
4 the portion of a text or document available or needed to write about a subject
5 the freedom and scope to live, think, and develop in a way that suits one

Regarding life, I often compare living experiences to that of a space we have been invited into.

Everyone has their own unique Space they are in. Some are busy growing and cultivating; others, wounded and confused with how to tend to the wreckage of the Space before them.

Some of us have taken too much pride over our perfectly tended to Space's only to realize that all it takes is one of life's tragic hurricanes to completely destroy everything we have built.

As it is with any space, as it is with life.

Nothing is permeant.
Everything is experienced.

I believe that despite what it looks like at this moment, I am being called to claim the Space that I have already been growing into.

This is a very 'New Year' concept, yet I mean this truly and uniquely.

Understanding oneself enough to know what one brings to Space will boost everyone and honour one's own skills.

To take up Space means you understand there are nuances.

Embedded in our society are two structures that directly conflict with each other.

Your voice only matters if you pay your dues, look a certain way, act a certain way and play the system.
Your voice matters no matter who you hurt, how you slander if it's based on proven facts or not and if you are louder than the opposite side.

I want to unlearn these two very scary structures.

Because the truth is,

To show up to the Space, we are called to expand in that will be long lasting and legacy building, we need to

  1. Hold Space for oneself.

  2. Hold Space for others.

  3. Discern the difference between a rare and unique situation and an unhealed wound.

  4. Show up and harness oneself to bring ones' best to any given moment.

Hard work is what it takes to stay open to the nuances of life.

And for me, that is what Space is all about.

To walk into the Space. To do the hard work to press in, cultivate it for healing, understanding and creating new boundary lines to thrive even when my heart aches, the body is tired and the soul, weary.

The invitation to expand into space isn’t easy, but the journey

I believe

Is life-changing.

And so,

Into this space, I go.

Learning how to stand taller, expand wider and grow deeper.


Amy Grace