by Amy Grace

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I Never Promised... How I Found My Voice

Embracing the Humble Realities of Being a Beginner
Again and Again.

Daring to Go Off Script
You are free to be different than what they cast you as.

Audaciously Showing Up
It’s not about perfection, it’s about the belief in the desire to rise to the calling.

Honouring My Story
Recognizing what I experienced is my own to hold space for, learn from and share when, how and if I so desire.

Honouring Their Story
Recognizing what they experienced doesn’t have to align with my own for me to respect the differences.

The closer I get to the core of all of me, the more real I become.

Practicing the Art of Safety
Our words, tone, approach and delivery will be the home we make not just for ourselves but for all those who enter our atmosphere.

Sounding the Alarm
Calling out danger, toxicity, bullying, aggression, fear etc will always lead to saved lives, including your own.

How I Found My Voice…. was written after months of processing what it looks like to use your voice in a pointed and careful way only to have it thrown back at you in rage, disdain and contempt.  Through that experience I reflected on the journey that has made me audacious enough to believe that all voices, words and thoughts matter, including ones own.
It’s how we express ourselves outwardly and inwardly that ultimately defines a voice that tears down or that builds up.

I Never Promised I Would Stay Quiet About It… is a series of revelations, observations and citations on the topics and concepts often considered taboo.