Twenty-Seven | Limitless
Limitless | Giving Key
In the past year, I have had to find myself. Not because I felt I had changed, or I felt any different but because I felt lost in what the world saw me as.
Becoming pregnant was the day I lost Amy.
Amy became, the pregnant one, the new mom, the 'fill-in-the-blank' whatever preconceived notion you have about what it means to have your first child. I did my best to ignore the endless streams of assumptions, judgements, and ignorance but ultimately my sense of self paid a price. I became pregnant, had a baby and now...this is how 'you' define me.
Mother to your grandchild, mother to the cute baby in the stroller, mother to your niece...
Mama I am. And so much more.
Amy never stopped being Amy. In fact, Amy is still writing words at her desk, intoxicated by music and studiously honing her craft of word, song and dance.
I told this to my dearest friend and her response.
"As you should, your options are limitless."
And that has resonated with me.
27 isn't about proving anything to you that I am more than just a mama. Because that will happen naturally. You will see that as I go and no matter how devalued I have felt I am thriving in this deep lovely limitless life.