Empowerment | Mothers Day


Truthfully, I have mixed feelings with this day we call 'Mothers Day'.  Maybe it's that it often lands on my birthday.  Maybe it's that I don't relate to the buzz words we use to describe mothers.  Maybe it's that I am the first of my friends to become a 'mama'.  Maybe it's that I sense the emptiness in my platitudes and would rather wait for a moment that truly expresses my thoughts in a real and authentic way.

No matter what the reason, Mothers Day continues to happen and now with this squirmy one-year-old, I want to get a better hold on this day and find how 'her' and 'I' can find the proper meaning for it.

I stumbled upon an old text message from my mother.  It was a few days before I gave birth to my daughter. 

"Hope your day went well.  I want to reassure you that I also went after my due date and you were a perfect beautiful little girl and I never worried at all about when you would come.  So don't let it consume your thoughts.  I am not worried about you, because I believe this is what you are doing.  I do think you need to know that we are in your corner, covering you with prayer as we are called to do for our daughter."  

These are empowering words.  These are words that symbolize a shift for me.  These are the words I want my daughter to hear from me.  This is the way I want to forge ahead in 'motherhood' this year and the years to come.  I would rather be that 'Mama' who stands in the gap for my daughter not because she needs it, but because I know she is capable.  I want her to know that I am her biggest advocate, her biggest warrior standing for her in the darkest night.  When others shout their worry I will be shouting to build up strength and courage.  

My mother and I are very different people but she left a trail of empowerment in her wake that I often don't give enough credit to.  She empowered my Nanny against all odds to live an independent life after my Grampys death until she passed away many years later.  She empowered me to eat when I would have rather starved.  She has empowered many children who have filtered through her home to play, to laugh and to sing.  She has empowered me to speak my mind and stand for what I believe is right and true.  

So this is my deepest desire.

To now empower my daughter  to have a voice of her own, to be independent, to play, to laugh, to sing, to dance, to explore, to discover and to have courage when others do not.  

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