LIFESTYLE | Crisp Walks
From the best little nook along the Bedford Waterfront.
This weekend didn't start the way I thought it would. I saw an expanse of good weather and I conjured up many different outdoor family activities. In the end, little Z came down with a bad cough and congestion, and we ended up pouring the majority of our Saturday into keeping her happy. Not as sick as she could have been, but definitely not the kind of sick we would want to expose to the wind and chilly air that has creeped into our little part of the world.
Instead of going for a family walk like I had imagined, I woke up Sunday morning and went on a solo walk.
It was crisp, sunny and fresh. Sometimes in those solo walks we find pieces of ourselves we forgot about. Just in the quiet of our own mind. I tend to listen to podcasts or music while I walk and even while I was listening to a podcast, I found that the space of being my own person out in nature was a refreshing experience.
Don't get me wrong. I walk in nature a lot. Just not often alone anymore.
Shared or solo, crisp autumn morning walks are a beautiful thing.