WORK | When Creativity is Put On Hold...
Recently a handful of my laptop keys stopped working on my 2017 MacBook Pro.
This would be the second time that important keys have stopped working and the second time that the whole keyboard has been replaced.
Thankfully we have found a way to take care of this, and it hasn’t impeded my life as much as it could have.
That being said,
All the creatives in the house know-how jarring it can be when that one tool breaks or that one time you had set aside for your craft is hindered by something.
Angst. Panic, and perhaps some swear words.
This is life.
When best-laid plans for a moment in time are interrupted by something, someone or some force.
How can the creative person move past this and make it work to their benefit?
If you use technology as your craft and are forced to put the most essential tools in the shop or wait for replacements, let your clients and colleagues know the time frame of your absence while you wait, what you will be working on in the meantime and unplug.
There is nothing more freeing than not seeing every new event, opportunity, pop culture update, text, email etc.
A creative mind is renewed by the silence and space of a day uninterrupted by other alerts.
Don’t overthink this. It doesn’t need to be high brow or anything overt. For me, it can be as simple as watching a documentary, listening to a podcast, playing around with my camera or reading good fiction.
When last forced to go without my laptop (you’d be surprised how much of my professional and personal life exists on it), my almost daily walk was chock-full of ideas for new and continued projects. Walks and showers are where I find my clear thoughts, but this was different. This was with the peace knowing I couldn’t immediately do anything about these ideas and possible work moves once I arrived home.
Know who your creative support is and have a good catch-up on allllll those feels. As much as we’d like to think that everyone has it all together, knowing exactly what they are doing at all hours of the day and year. They don’t. They are just as clueless, frustrated and questioning themselves from time to time as you.
And lastly,
Give yourself a pat on the back.
Your creativity is already in who you are.
You are enough.
You bring more than enough to the table
and sometimes
an exhale, followed by an inhale
even if forced
is the exact right thing before you break a new wave onto the shore.