LIFESTYLE | Summer 2021 Girl Capsule Wardrobe
Centre - Clockwise: Elephant | Ikea, Snooze pyjamas | Joe Fresh, Explore Magazines | Kiwi Co, Sneakers | Softmoc, Blue Dress | Old Navy, Strawberry Dress | Second Hand find from Auntie Nicole, Brave sweater | H&M, Jean Shorts | Old Navy, Wild - T Shirt | Joe Fresh, Rainy Day Activity Book | Chapters, Colored Pencils | From various family members over the years, Bunny Sharperner | Easter Gift from Mimi, Eloise | Chapters, SwimSuit | H&M, Sandals | Joe Fresh
Having a slower start to the summer due to the whip lash from the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, it meant as a family we were still catching up with delayed spring celebrations and appointments during July. Yet, once August hit, not only was the weather full of sunshine, but also full of beautiful summer moments.
On a whim when at IKEA without her in tow, we picked up this elephant and it absolutely made her day. We try our best not to clutter her life with toys that will become meaningless and opt to give her things through out the year she will need and keep the fun new toys for birthdays etc. But we are not above a rare whim purchase to surprise her with. Carefully placed on her bed to greet her when she arrived back home, this IKEA elephant was instantly named “Jhombo” and has become a staple in all of our lives.
Blue Dress
Purchased for a family photo shoot, this blue dress from Old Navy is the perfect staple for a young girl who loves dresses.
Growing like a weed we opted to pick up a less expensive pair of sandals from Joe Fresh for her summer. They are practical, glittery and don’t break the bank.
Brave Sweater
This sweater was a great addition to her wardrobe and is the perfect warmth for cool days, yet also just as loose fitting and easy for warm days that start off chilly.
WILD Graphic T
Various Graphic T’s. Pictured here is one graphic t, but there are a handful (about 4) others that are standing strong, still in good shape and still fitting. (I assume they didn’t make it in this pic because they were in the wash rotation.)
Swim Suit
The swim suit pictured here had its unfortunate last few wears over the summer. It’s in great shape, but our little spirit is growing like a weed. Time for a new one.
Various Socks
Not pictured here are the multitude of socks that got worn out, out grown or just lost in the mayhem over the last season. Seen here are the replacements for what was a very dwindling sock collection.