READS | November 2022

The Land of Stories - The Enchantress Returns | Chris Colfer

Personally, as an adult, I enjoyed the first book the most, but I see how this series will have staying power for the age group it was made for and I am excited to see how my daughter reacts to this series when she’s old enough to read them.

Rules For A Knight - Ethan Hawke

Deep and heavy values and life morals packaged beautifully concise in a small and easy to carry novel. I will never let this book out of my sight. Being a sucker for allegories and anything remotely symbolic, Rules for a Knight gives tangible life insight under the guise of a character’s letter for his children. Highly recommend.

Searching for Sunday | Rachel Held Evens

Being raised in an Evangelical Mega Church I have struggled into my adult years to find a version of my faith that matched what my spirit knows to be true about my real living faith. I believe God is real. I believe God is both he / her. I believe Jesus died as a living sacrifice to break the turmoil of humanity… and I also believe we continue to make a mess of things. We, meaning the world and we, meaning the church. In this beautiful book Rachel gives us her struggle and her aches regarding the North American church culture and why it’s hard to grapple with the faith we know we have and the religious construct we were pushed into.
If I felt anything after reading this book, it was solidarity with another woman’s heart beating next to mine.

I hope she knew before she died that she was helping to heal a generation of women with her words.

Stop Walking on Eggshells | Paul T. Mason

A personal read to understand the breadth of humanity better. We would all be so much more tender, aware and capable of holding space and boundaries if we understood each other better.


The Handmaids Tale S05 - Because it continues to remind us why it’s important to put the needs and values of women in the centre.
The Mountain Between Us - an unexpected quietly powerful film on humanity in survival mode.
Inventing Anna - A fictional / partly almost all true series on Anna Delvey aka Anna Sorokin. A fascinating series on the personality of Anna, the reporter that wrote on her and the world that made Anna’s fraud possible.

Four books on a surface.  The Land of Stories - The Enchantress Returns by Chris Colfer, Rules for a Knight by Ethan Hawke, Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evens, Stop Walking on Eggshells by Paul T Mason