WORK | Headshots 2019
Headshot taken by Claire Fraser
Starting Brilliansea with Claire Fraser called for an updated headshot for the both of us & for continuity for our projects.
It’s Symbolism
This headshot marks the start of a new phase in my work. Bringing continuity and a more curated streamline vision for the projects that I work on and do.
Honouring My Motherhood
Motherhood has given me a lot of time to be hands-full with something other than ‘the grind’. I have been separated from the professional field & with that has also given me perspective. Realizing what is worth the work and growth verses what is going to drain and take a toll from being the mother I feel called to be.
Ready to Serve
Over the past decade I have learned that I am at my most joy-filled when what I am creating serves others. This awareness has given me permission to hone in on the projects that serve others and bring others higher. This is my passion and my joy. No matter what I am doing, that it serves others in their journey.