WORK | Cultivating and Creating
at Lightfoot and Wolfville, Nova Scotia
Over the past few years, I have been working on a writing project and although I am by no means ready to share it publicly I can say that the heart of it is woven into everything I am and do.
It’s about what one does with a calling.
And how a calling generally doesn’t just come up out of nowhere.
It is asked for to some degree, and then in some way, shape or form, it is provided in a small way.
Something to create. Something to cultivate.
How do we tend to what we are given?
How do we create space for what something needs to be.
Like raising a child.
Or growing a garden.
It takes work.
It takes time and space.
Space to step back, take in all that it is becoming and trim and refine the edges.
To hem in where needed and to let go wild when possible.
This is the creative journey,
It is also the soul journey.
I am interested in that.
What it means to become.
There are many ‘becomes’.
We are not just one layer, but many layers.
We make choices of how we become.
I’d like to think that the years of cultivating and creating has been working to develop and ‘become’ a better version of me.
A version that will produce not just once, but over a lifetime.
A version of me that has roots deep down and brings out the best in others.
A version of me that can weather the storms and shine bright in the sun.
It takes work.
It takes vulnerability.
& this is why I share these thoughts.
I share because I know I am finding the heart of something in all of this private writing and sharing with a select few talented writers.