WORK | 2020 So Far...
Conrads Beach, Nova Scotia. 2020
How is it that we are already at the midway point of 2020?
It's safe to say this year was not a year any of us would have expected.
Globally, a pandemic and call to action to address racism, specifically in regards to Black communities.
Nationally, the effects of a pandemic and wake up call to how we work and play.
Provincially, a mass shooting concluded to be our countries largest to date and the very strict lockdown and social distancing measures our government took. Their leadership leading us to have zero cases the past two and a half weeks and to open up to the Atlantic provinces after Canada Day to connect with our maritime families.
Personally, the loss of a grandfather, a delay and unknown time for a memorial service, work being shifted to pre-production and development instead of production and being on sets. Working from home, teaching preschool from home…
I could go on…
I started 2020, embracing the word "Bold'. I wanted to embrace the next right bold moves.
Shockingly despite the blows, this remains true. I may not be hopping on a plane like I thought I would be, or seeing Jeremy off to Israel for a work trip, but we have found that the bold moves can also be the quiet and unseen ones.
Applying for a learning opportunity, saying yes to new initiatives, developing new concepts and working on new collaborations with ongoing projects.
Recognizing a need for our family and stepping out in faith to ask for it. Unknowns all around but feeling strongly that it's the Bold right next step we need to take and patiently see where it takes us.
So far, 2020 has taught me that Boldness and making Bold moves are often not as loud as you think it would be.
It's not the roar the lioness makes, but the way she looks before she does it. Her roar is simply a signal of what is to come. A minor thing in comparison to the action she is about to take.
So, although I thought 2020 would be about me making a big noise in work and life, what I realize is that it's the intent behind the next bold right move that is what get's you places and sometimes the next bold right thing is not what you expected until you are right on top of it.
And then you pull back, look around and prepare to roar before leaping forward and digging into what comes next.