I Never Promised... | How They Lean on Her
IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Off white background with text : How They Lean on Her. I Never Promised I Would Stay Quiet About It… byamygrace.
Thank-you Cards.
All the gracious women do.
Say Yes.
Nothing is more important than prioritizing this.
Starting a family.
Every proper woman’s to do list.
Second, third child?
Don’t disappoint us.
Professional Family Photos
Everyone must know you have your priorities straight.
Sports and music lesson registrations.
All the good moms do.
Where have you been?
Nothing is more important than seeing me.
At home.
Be a productive member of society.
At work.
Don’t be selfish.
She does it. Why can’t you?
Her success is your failure.
How They Lean on Her was written in 2022 after reflecting on the many explicit and implicit ways women carry the load of those around them.
This is not an extensive list, but a sampling of the various notations tucked away women have been trained to remember that cause strain. Even ladders have load baring instructions.
If I would suggest anything for us as humans and society to work towards, it is to actively offer women a way out of these ways of thinking. To take the load off our words and assumptions so easily placed on ‘her’ shoulders and mindfully get to know the ‘her’ that is naturally and wholly ‘individual’ in front of us.
I Never Promised I Would Stay Quiet About It… is a series of revelations, observations and citations on the topics and concepts that are often considered taboo.