LIFESTYLE | Winter 2017 Toddler Capsule Wardrobe
Clock-wise From Top Centre: White Winter Hat | H&M, White Shirt with Skates on it | The GAP, Folded Pink Pyjamas | Joe Fresh, 'Everything's S'more Fun With You' Folded Pink Shirt | Carters, Blue Whale | Christmas gift from Auntie Nicole, Wodden Teddy Cut Outs | Melissa & Doug Gift from Grandma & Grandpa, White Heart Sweater | Carters, Red Nordic Pyjamas | Joe Fresh, Jeans | Second hand, Snowflake Pants | The Gap, Pink Nordic Pants | Joe Fresh, Stella Doll Diaper Bag & Accessories | Various Gifts from Grandma & Grandpa, Stella Doll | Indigo, Winter Boots | Joe Fresh, Pink Snow Suit Pants & Coat Set | Joe Fresh, Yellow Bird | Japan - Gift From Auntie Jasmine, 'Baby Roo I Love You' Book | Indigo - Valentines Day Gift from Mama & Dada, Little People Girl & Teddy | Gift from Grandma & Grandpa
After documenting my own wardrobe I thought I had recorded Zoës at the same time. Come to find out, I had not. During her lunch today I scoured the boxes for things I had packed away, items she had outgrown (pants) and pulled it together in a bit of a rush. Either way, here we are.
The big stand outs are highlighted in this capture and although there are other items she wore this past winter season, none as often as these. What is missing from this is the blue jogging pants from Carters she currently is wearing today. ;)
Our favourites are without a doubt the cozy pink shirt 'Everything's S'more Fun With You ' from Carters , that White Winter Hat we bought her for her first winter, which she will definitely not fit next year, and that adorable winter jacket.
Included in this capture are the toys and articles which have become her most favourite and most used this season. Blue Whale is a must for every cuddle session and the Stella Doll "Dolly" is becoming the everyday "Dolly-does-what-I-do" friend. The two "Little People" by Fisher Price were given to her as a pair on Dedication Day at Church and as a pair they must stay. She only plays with them together.
All in all, winter clothing is tough in toddler world with the constantly needing to be dressed and undressed. As cute as all these items are, I won't complain when the only thing she has on is a loose romper or dress. Plus... who can resist toddler arms, legs and bellies peeking out for a good romp outside.