Posts tagged winter
Favourite Things | Winter 2025

Star Pillow | Indigo

Since Autumn, when I added a pumpkin pillow to our sectional couch for the giggles, we have realized that a cuddle pillow for the season is a fun additive for us all. Seeing this star pillow during a walk through Chapters / Indigo was a no-brainer for me for the winter season.

Complete Greek Myths by Usborne

Because we bought ourselves Mythos by Stephen Fry it felt apt that we picked up this visual version for our pre-teen.

Celine Dion | Lets Talk About Love Vinyl | Taz Records

With Celine coming back at the Paris Olympics, coupled with her latest documentary, I started to go back into my canon of music and realized I love her music even more now. Her passion, dedication, and quality of the craft are uniquely hers, surpassing her talent. I was eight years old in 1997, and these songs played in the malls, stores, radio, etc, which I believed helped define my childhood in the 90s.

Merit Lipsticks | Merit

I’ve been running out of lipstick lately. Something about the silky softness of Merits got me good.

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

I picked this up to pick away at as I enjoyed Stoic philosophy last year.

Both Sides Now | CODA version

This winter I have been enjoying Joni Mitchell’s “Both Sides Now” in my winter playlist and also to play on the piano. This version from CODA is another rendition that hits the feels!

2023 | Winter Capsule

IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Photo of Amy Grace with Cream Wool Hat and Mittens wearing a black winter coat. Snow Covered trees in the background. Text overtop the image: Winter 2023 Capsule Wardrobe - byamygrace

Wool Hat & Mittens | Love & Lore / Chapters

I don’t remember the last time I owned a winter hat I truly loved. Possibly High School? I appreciate the thickness and warmth of these mittens and matching hat along with the style. Understated, yet on trend.

Pull Over Half Zip Hoodie | Lulu Lemon

Spoiled by my cousin, this sweater arrived for me over Christmas. She absolutely hit the mark with this one. I adore wearing it during my winter yoga or cardio sessions.

Black Long Sleeve Body Suit | Aritzia

Interestingly enough, I did not realize when I ordered this body suit online that it would come with shoulder pads. Somehow I missed this very CLEAR description or perhaps got redirected to a different one. Either way, shoulder pads are very much ‘NOT’ my thing. After trying it on and realizing how much I liked the fit etc., I thought I could take the shoulder pads out.
I did and saved myself a trip into the city to replace it with a different one.

Playlist | Winter 2023

As the snowflakes fall… a playlist on Spotify to listen to.

*standouts & why they are included:

I Love You Lord | Steffany Gretzinger

I like to sneak hymns or prayer-like songs at the beginning and end of my seasonal playlists. A quiet liturgy of my own making. This song came out in ‘97 and encapsulated a lot of my growing-up years in an evangelical upbringing. I am still learning my adult faith, and what it means to me; these are the simple words I bring myself back to. A quiet place I find peace.

Made You Look | Meghan Trainor

Meghan delivers another song to bop around when one needs a little confidence boost. I love how she embraces her whole self as is and has stood confidently in that message within the art she makes.

I’m Still Here | Sia

We all come from nuanced and complex backgrounds. Trauma comes in all different shapes and sizes.
”Oh, the past, tormented me. But the battle was lost ‘cause I’m still here.” Encapsulates a tangible human experience.

The Best | Scala & Kolacny Brothers

‘The Best’ has become an anthem in our house: the original and all the covers. I have a soft spot for choirs & Scala & Kolacny Brothers choir has been featured in many tv shows/films, including The Social Network.

2022 | Winter Reflections

This winter felt deeply like a retreat of the soul.

Weekend storms, ice covering trees, snow piled up and the air bitter with gusts that cut into the core.

As if everything in nature was pointing to a need to sit down, take cover and hold on.

I have felt as if the snow was covering me. Keeping me warm, yet sometimes the weight of it, confusing.

Ideas have been tucked away, words slow and stilted, my voice tired.

And then I began to see the robins.

One by one, they began to fill the trees around me, reminding me that there was something to remember about this time of year.

Something they were too anxious to wait for,
so they came early.

I can feel the spring air coming and something new and stirring in the soul with it.

Ideas are fluttering around my head again, the words are coming quicker now, and my voice is gaining strength.

Winter is ending.

I am tying up the loose ends of a radio project with CBC Producer Natalie Dobbin, finishing the first draft of script alongside Ian Wilson, pitched with Lynn Matheson at Transmedia Zone’s pitch event, exploring my own personal projects through monthly short videos and wrapping up the second draft of a script.

Spring is arriving.

I am seeing the projects bud up in front of me. An audio project here, a documentary there, and that sweet dear project reminding me it needs more sunlight.

There will be rain, winds and cold snaps, but there will also be warm light, fresh soil, and new connections to be made.

Creative Field Notes | II

Episode 2 - Reflections on the weight of trauma and what it means to give space for others and the situations we are unaware of.

Creative Field Notes is a series that studies the way creativity weaves itself throughout and communicates with all aspects of the natural rhythms of life.

*a note:

Throughout February, I became more heavily burdened for the words we use to communicate our own perspectives.
Watching posts on social media become more and more volatile and disrespectful.
It is damaging when we create outrage on the internet yet miss the ones beside us who are suffering.

We ‘other’ others without hesitation. We insert sarcastic emojis, gifs and snippets of news clips to demand our point and our outrage to be seen.


We have become increasingly numb to the trauma and wounds of others.

Seeing the trees around us bear the weight of the winter ice and winds reminded us how much we are all carrying.
And by we, I mean…
The ‘we’ of humanity. ‘We’ the breathing. ‘We’ the me and ‘we’ the you.
’We’ the ‘every’ side.

May we collectively remember, especially now, what it means to support those who are suffering, to be the place they can recover and find strength and not the place they struggle to survive and begin to break under the weight of our own words and actions.

Playlist | Winter 2022

Carefully curating music to carry with me through out a season is a way I connect with my goals, intentions and overall mindset.

Here is a sampling of the songs that stick out to me the most in this Winter collection I have made:

For the full playlist:
check it out on Spotify

Rondo in F Minor for Piano and Orchestra | Nicholas Britell

If this track isn’t a moody vibe for work, I don’t know what is.

Unstoppable | Sia (feat. Pusha T, Oladum)

These lyrics rev me up. Simple as that. New Year, new anthems.

I AM WOMAN | Emmy Meli

I continue to have to come back to the truth that societal constructs of what being a woman is has been written on me that I am ‘one thing’. Being woman and being me is many many things. Women are called to inhabit their full selves. This anthem anchors me back into the space I am supposed to be.

AUATC | Bon Iver

Over the past two years within a pandemic and huge societal / cultural shifts, I continue to be burdened by the lack of understanding that we continue for the ‘others’. Using divisive language that separates us against them. This song reminds me of something I once heard : “Wherever you draw a line between us and them, you can be sure that Jesus is on the other side of that line.”

Godspeed | Paravi

Not the exact track, but close enough. This song says what I cannot.

Be Thou My Vision | Audrey Assad

There is usually a traditional hymn slipped into any of my seasonal playlists. Poetry in the highest sense. They anchor the season and remind me of what truly matters.

LIFESTYLE | Winter 2021 Favourite Things

Winter was a season of a lot of sinking into the moments. Taking time to rest on snow days, working hard at the desk on paper work and pitches and staying connected with loved ones.

Air Pods | Apple

I was beyond thrilled to be given these from Jeremy for Christmas. If you know me, you would know that the amount of time I spend attached to headphones is a bit ludacris. Zoom meetings, researching, writing, working with background music, listening to podcasts as I do chores (not all appropriate to have on while a little is present), talking to friends and family while I fold laundry or whatever… headphones are a thing for me.
Needless to say…I use these at minimum 3 hours per day. At most, 6-7 hours.
Worth it.

Cozy Love Candle | Blooming Studio

I do my best to buy soy candles with safe products in them. This Etsy store was a great find and I have a small amount left I will be able to burn next winter.

Word Magnets | Indigo

I couldn’t find it on there website, but years ago I found a box at Indigo of magnetic poetry and recently found another set that was focused on more wellness inspiring words. Putting my old set and new set together I have found a renewed love for using words on my fridge.
I’m sure my friends and family are rolling their eyes heavenward at this quirk of mine. I adore this small but meaningful habit.

Lotus Youth Preserve Dream Face Cream | Fresh / Sephora

A pricy night cream. The one thing I will say…I ADORE the smell and I am a huge fan of ‘fresh’ as a company.

Sail Necklace | Dana Grund

A Christmas gift From Jeremy and our five year old. This necklace is a tribute to our first home. Where we could hear the sail boats make ‘ting ting ting’ sounds in the wind.

Cement planter with Evergreen branches | Winners

A small find this winter at Winners. I am not one for an overly decorated home. But I do love bringing a seasonal nature atmosphere into the home. These little cement planters encompassed that for us.

The Home Edit Life | Indigo

A Christmas gift from the ‘sis in law’. She knows my weaknesses.

LIFESTYLE | Winter 2021 Girl Capsule Wardrobe
Top Centre - Clockwise : Blue Long Sleeve | Second hand find from Auntie Nicole, Crayons | source unknown, Robe | Winners, Reading socks | Indigo, Good Night Rebel Girls Book 1&2 | Indigo, Pyjamas | Gift from Mimi & Yeye, Calico Critters | C…

Top Centre - Clockwise : Blue Long Sleeve | Second hand find from Auntie Nicole, Crayons | source unknown, Robe | Winners, Reading socks | Indigo, Good Night Rebel Girls Book 1&2 | Indigo, Pyjamas | Gift from Mimi & Yeye, Calico Critters | Christmas / Birthday gifts from family, Roots Joggers | Roots, Jeans | Old Navy, Baby doll | MiniKane , Pink Dress | Second hand find from Auntie Nicole, School Books | Various family members, Ready Set Draw Activity | Auntie Jasmine & Uncle Tyler, Long Sleeves | Old Navy, The Compete Baking Books for Young Chefs | Indigo, Beads | Christmas Gift from Mimi & Yeye, Christmas Doll Dress | Handmade from Auntie Nicole

This season we have found that our growing girl is all about re-wearing her favourites to till they are thread bare. Many of the new purchases to fill out her wardrobe never got touched as she would rather wear her ‘favourites’.

New to Her

Cloud Pyjamas

A Christmas gift from her Mimi & Yeye, these pyjamas fit perfectly and are the sweetest things on her.

Jade Minikane Doll

With the help of her dear Auntie Nicole we were able to get this new baby doll in time for Christmas. To say it was her favourite gift is an understatement. She was in awe of this lifelike baby and she cares for it so tenderly. A purchase we will never regret.

Reading / Cozy Socks

Worn through a pair she received from a ‘great aunt’ two years back, she begged for replacements.

Still Going Strong

Roots Joggers

Although they are becoming shorter on her, these joggers are long lasting and her favourites. We will definitely replace when she has outgrown them.

White Robe

This beautiful robe is becoming smaller and smaller on her but she loves it so much. We love seeing the joy she gets from it.

Time to Go

What needs to go she’s been ‘over wearing’. It’s almost comical how hard it is to get her to wear anything else. A few items are not seen here as they were either on her body when this picture was taken, or in the wash. (yoga pants, shirt, pink and grey zip sweater)

What isn’t shown here:

Pink Zip Sweater, Old pair of Reading socks, Pants outgrown, Pyjamas outgrown

LIFESTYLE | Winter 2021 Capsule Wardrobe
Top Centre - Clockwise : Soyia & Kyo Winter Jacket | The Bay, Christmas Pyjamas | Suzy Shier, Cozy Love Soy Candle | Blooming Studio TO, Yoga Shirt | Lulu Lemon, Yoga Pants | Aerie, Bye Bye Under Eye Brightening Cream - It Cosmetics | Sephora, L…

Top Centre - Clockwise : Soyia & Kyo Winter Jacket | The Bay, Christmas Pyjamas | Suzy Shier, Cozy Love Soy Candle | Blooming Studio TO, Yoga Shirt | Lulu Lemon, Yoga Pants | Aerie, Bye Bye Under Eye Brightening Cream - It Cosmetics | Sephora, Lotus Anti-Aging Moisturizer - Fresh | Sephora, Pleather Pants | RW&Co, Burgundy, Beige, Black Turtle Necks | RW & Co, Skinny Jeans | The Gap, Resilence Fragrance | Bailly, Henley Shirt | Aerie, Star Sweater | Aerie, Joggers | Roots, Sails Necklace | Dana Grund, Rose Gold Watch | Fossil, Brown Button Sweater | The Gap, Voyager - Diana Gaboldon | Chapters, Oversized Beige Sweater | H&M.

Kicking into a new year, new work projects and a new routine made me realize that although I have comfort in working from home during the pandemic, I do miss pulling out more of my ‘eventing’ clothes. It’s clearly reflected here that my main focus is comfort, with a professional flare.

New To Me

SOYIA & KYO Jacket

This purchase took me over five years to make. During pregnancy in the fall/winter 2014/2015 I broke the zipper of my winter jacket to a point where it didn’t make financial sense to try to fix it. Since then I have been able to get by with older jackets and more than a year ago I purchased a nice wool jacket with a good hood. That being said, one cannot wear a wool jacket while playing in the snow without causing it damage. This year I bit the bullet and purchased this hefty jacket which will hopefully last me decades.
So far, it’s living up to my expectations.

LuLu Lemon Long Sleeve

For the longest time I have wanted an exercise top with long sleeves. I often go elsewhere for workout clothes, but upon much research this top came one of th highest recommended. I love it. Again, another pricey purchase I am hoping will last me many years.

Brown Knit Button Sweater

I have a confession to make. I convinced Jeremy to buy this. He isn’t one to spend time thinking about what he needs. I usually do this for him as I get tired of him putting himself last. But the real sneaky side of me, has to admit, that as women, we all know that mens sweaters are the best, and I may be wearing this more than he is at this point. I will take it off the moment he turns around and it’s obvious he wants it for the day… but, I grew up watching my mom walk around the house in my dads sweaters… it’s a thing. Hard not to do it myself.

Still Going Strong

Pleather Plants

I adore these pants from RW&Co. Being black they go with everything, and they are stretchy so it’s not an uncomfortable wear. One would have to tare these out of my cold and dead hands. I love them that much.

Turtle Necks

I took a break from turtle necks when I left my interpreting career. I needed to find a new me. But now that I am fully rooted into a different profession and feeling (mostly) confident about my place in it…I have to admit, welcoming turtle necks back into my life is like embracing a serious side of myself that I had missed. I love them and in the maritime chill of the autumn/winter, they do more than just make me feel snappy. They are so cozy.

Time To Go

Reading / cozy socks

I have worn my thick socks around the house to the point of holes. It’s no real surprise. They can only last so long. I will have to retire a pair or two by Spring.

Thankfully I have built my winter / autumn wardrobe up well now that not much has to be tossed or replaced.
Next year, I will try to focus on getting a pair of winter walking boots (for trails and nature walking) as the two boots I have now are best suited for city or side walk walking.

Ways to Connect on Valentines Day

Valentines' Day isn't just a day for Lovers.

It's a day to express all forms of love.

With a Child

Meet them where they are at. Surprising our daughter with a book, a small toy and a tasty treat brings her delight. For us even more. Helping her give out her first batch of valentines to peers is also something when done thoughtfully can be so rewarding.

With a Friend

Little cards of appreciation in the mail, a date with a good friend for dessert are all small ways to express the love of friendship.

With a Parent

A phone call, a small note, a surprise visit for a hug. The love of a parent doesn't end once 'parenting' is done. They are often struggling with their lives just as much as we are.

With a Lover / Partner

A quiet exchange of something they noticed you like, sharing in the food you both enjoy, a conversation that flows easy and engaging in a shared loved activity.

With a Pet

A good cuddle, special treats, hugs and kisses, scratches where they like it best.

WORK | Brilliansea Update - Winter 2020

This week marks a year if running Brilliansea.

A year of seeking to create space for the voices of women. Women who are charting their paths, finding creativity in the corners of their lives, starting new ideas and businesses and creating brilliance where ever they go. 

A year of Brilliansea existing and telling us what it wants to be.


We work best when we honour the core values of Brilliansea. Creating space and a platform for the voices of women locally and beyond. It has been a year of many changes and events in our personal and professional lives. Learning to honour each other through these stages, while also running Brilliansea together has grown us and brought us back to the values of Brilliansea.


Entering into this new year, Claire and I will be focusing on continuing to curate and craft the spotlight interviews. We are working on making the group of women we gather for each interview filming session to be diverse, varied in age, mediums and life experience. We want to work on reflecting the immense sea of women we know to be out there. We are also honing in on the right next steps for creating our documentary project based on our short documentary. Along with those two big projects, we are excited to continue connecting with local creative and innovative women by hosting and creating space for socials.

With clarity and a reminder of everything that has created Brilliansea into being, we move onward.

LIFESTYLE | Winter 2020 Playlist

Winter is one of my favorite seasons to curate a playlist for.

It could be the way that snow lingers, leaving the world covered in something mystical and wonder like. It could be the way the wind bites at you as you leave the house and tries to lick your lips with frost. It could be that mix between romantic ambiance and barren land.

Winter 2020 Playlist

Stand Outs

Dreams | The Cranberries

This is a marker song for me. I remember it playing when I started finding new purpose through figure skating as a teenager. I remember skating in the early morning on empty ice and this song made it all feel possible. Now, this song seems to find it’s way back to me to remind me of those free-flying moments and remind me of that sense of hope and elation.

Always Good | The McClures

I fell into this song by accident recently and fell in love with it. I think we can all struggle with feeling at peace and at rest in what is going on in our lives. I find peace in believing and trusting in that which is bigger than me.

Miss You So Much | Miley Cyrus

Miley is brilliant. I don’t love everything she has done. I think some of it has been produced and created out of rebellion of her own self-hatred and that in and of itself creates some very worn and tired material. But this new side of her that is coming out (while she still remains her completely edgy self) is filled with brilliant musical choices.

LIFESTYLE | Winter 2020

Snow falling has a sound.

Have you heard it?

A soft little whisper that doesn’t have an end.

To hear snow, you have to remain still, quiet your breath and tune out the shifts in the air.

There it is.

Amidst the shifting and adjusting of all that is living, there is the soft whisper of snow covering and giving the world a soft lullaby to rest by.


This winter has many possible twists and turns and instead of wondering how it will all go down, I am starting to get still. To ground myself on the snow-laden earth and listen. Focusing on my heartbeat. Where does it quicken? How does it beat when I do this, or when I do that? Instead of rushing forward, I am listening and feeling. Letting the snow cover me and give me what I need for each bend in the road.

The snow covers those who are still and it is warm underneath it until the time comes for you to move.

And when the moves are clear to you, you will emerge from the snow with clarity and the snow will glisten like gold in the sun.

LIFESTYLE | Christmas Preperation

This year

we have the privilege of being able to replace our old christmas tree. A bitter sweet thing to do, as our original tree was given to us the year we were married by Jeremy’s grandparents who decided they were done having a big tree. Along with their decade old or more tree they gave us a bunch of vintage ornaments they wouldn’t be using anymore. His grandparents passed away within the past two years. It’s been a heavy and fast loss in that area of our lives but this year we have seen the inheritance and blessings from his grandparents in many areas, especially this one. Hanging those beautiful vintage ornaments is a soft reminder of Grammie and her creative touch.

a night decorating the tree.

a night decorating the tree.

I think this is what Christmas, a true and grounded christmas attempts to do every year.

It seeks to remind us of the dearest, most highest and important things on this earth.

To be reminded of that, breaks us open a little bit and gives us insight into what we can’t put words around.

This christmas,

I have decided to do what I am going to call

The December Dailys.

A handful of things I will do daily. A bit like a benediction, prayer, meditation or ritual.
To remind myself of the glory of Christmas and the peaceful preparation it can bring

  • Read advent cards with Zoe

  • Light the Advent candle

  • Read Ann Voskamps advent book

  • Play christmas songs on the piano


On the Ice

I have a special spot in my life and heart for skating / figure skating. I found my passion for it during a rough time in my teen years. Learning how to skate along with the basics of figure skating not only introduced me to what it means to experience an athletic perspective in mind and body, but also what it means to move through emotional pain.

I could have easily accepted the darkness in my life back then. It seemed as if everything was falling around me. Everything I knew and loved was separating from me. Pulling apart with no warning and a finality that scared me. I am amazed that it wasn’t to drugs or other forms of unhealthy coping that I retreated to.

I can only believe that I was heavenly protected during that season of my life. That my drive to thrive was stronger than my drive to crumble. & that the ice rink across from my high school was a bit of a heavenly gift of freedom.

Looking back, I believe it was through figure skating that I learned I could be graceful, healthy, overcome my fears, push myself farther than what I thought possible & find joy amidst turmoil.

Why We Skate

Introducing my daughter to my love for the ice, isn’t about wanting her to be a young figure skater, but about sharing with her the place that helped heal me. Stepping onto an empty rink at 10:00am during my free period from high school, being allowed to slip in my own burned CD on the speakers and practicing again and again different basic skills brought me to a place of freedom and trust.

For my daughter, it may be something different. She may find her places of healing elsewhere, but I want her to know, that for me, it was the ice where I found it & if we open our eyes to the little ideas of dreams and whims held within, we will find those sacred places of healing in the places we least expect it.

LIFESTYLE | Favourite Things - Winter 2018
winter.2018 fav things.

I am not sorry Winter is coming to a close, but I do believe that digging into some Hygge values inspired me to enjoy the reasons for cozy and winter outdoor activities as much as I could.  

Kicking Horse Coffee

There is something about a warm cup of coffee when the winter blues is knocking.  A bit of energy and a reminder that some places are still warm, even if it is just your insides.

Aerie Yoga Pants

My two yoga pants were both cut off mid calf and didn't keep me warm when doing yoga in the wee hours of the winter morning.  These pants are stylish but long and keep my whole leg warm while I stretch for the day.

Jackson Figure Skates

 Now with a two year old, we were able to introduce her to skating and I had a chance to love my skates again.  SO thankful I invested in professional figure skates as a teen.

Moleskin Notebooks

Jasmine Alexander introduced me to moleskin notebooks years ago but I never knew how I would use them.  Then, I realized that I could use them for themed field notes: Here I have field notes for Spiritual, Professional  and Wellness life.

Essie Penny Talk

I adore this rose gold nail polish and it is a perfect pairing with festive parties and events.

Quo Best Dressed

A new addition this year, another chrome to add for parties and it really just makes me feel a bit edgy.

Newfoundland caramel sea salt Chocolate Bar

Finding a good rhythm for my work is a seasonal challenge, and I found this chocolate bar is a perfect item to have stowed away in my desk.  Every work session I allow my self 1/4 of the bar and replace it when it is gone.  Motivation is key.

Throw Back printed photos 

Getting our photos in order so that our little can pause and reflect on who her parents were before her was important to me.  Finishing the pre Z days little photo album of highlights was a great feeling and I can't wait to complete the 'Little Bedford Family' album this Spring and Summer.

Soft Moc Boots

The truth is, you don't know how wonderful a pair of boots are truly going to be until you are using them day in and day out.  These boots are still in excellent condition after buying them last year and I am thrilled to see how they make me feel during the autumn and winter months.

LIFESTYLE | Winter Air

Getting outside during the winter can be an absolute slog and convincing battle, but there is something that happens when we get out for our daily "fresh air" that fills me inside and out.  It gives me a renewal and a clear mind.  

Is it the air?

The nature?

The way we bundle to stay warm?

Either way, it is a form of therapy and I soak it up.  I always feel clearer headed after fresh air.

And winter air does have a beautiful way of cutting into the heart of the matter and bringing us fully into the present.   

LIFESTYLE | Winter 2018 Playlist

Being a 90's kid, I grew up with that mixed tape concept.  

I also grew up in a pentecostal church.  My exposure to music started from day one and although it was predominantly praise and worship music, music of all kinds became my love language and how I still connect with that secret place in my spirit.

Unbeknownst to my parents (at least I think they were unaware?) I spent endless amounts of time making my own mixed tapes from the radio.  Country, rock, pop, classical.  I borrowed CD's from the library tasting everything from Enya, Billie Halliday, Avril Lavigne, Soundtracks from The Princess Diaries to Titanic, broadway musicals....  I had a thing for Celine Dion, Josh Groban, Doris Day, Duffy, Solitudes series, Lifehouse and Disney...

As I live my life, there will always be a mixed tape/playlist to go along with the season.

Here is my latest.  

Winter 2018 Playlist

LIFESTYLE | Cocooning

For anyone higher north of the equator this time of year tends to be darker, colder and ultimately a dip in our natural vitamin d exposure from the sun. 

Natural Winter State

A friend so perfectly put it:

"I am cocooning like crazy!" 

Instead of fighting the cocooning why not embrace it?  

Embracing the Cocooning

1. Sitting in the sun by my window and reading whenever possible. 
A beautiful underrated healing act for the soul when everything around is dark and wintery.  

2. Reading Sherlock Holmes aloud with my husband.
One cannot read this series without hearing the staccato clinical and British tone.  Fun for anyone who likes to read aloud.

3. Doing a puzzle.
My mom has many of the puzzles my late Nanny had done.  Borrowing a wintery theme and picking away at it here and there is a simple pleasure.

4. Facetiming long distance besties and even close ones while cozy.
Thank god for FaceTime.  Nothing like getting tea/coffee/hot chocolate and a snack at hand and having conversation with friends.

5. Exercise videos inside.
Popsugar Fitness, Blogilaties, Yoga with Adrienne are all exceptional workout content online for FREE!  If it's too much of a drag to bundle up for the cold, move your hot tush inside.  Your body will thank you. 


A few out of house ideas:
- attend a hot yoga class
- Eat at a favourite pub/Hyggelit restaurant
- Bundle and walk in nature with a hot beverage
- Ponder and wonder in a local library.
- Visit friends in their comfort zone.

LIFESTYLE | Winter Films

Films & Television best watched in Winter from my collection:


This series ranks one of my all time favourites.  Coming from what I consider a larger family in todays North American Culture I found myself identifying with the insanity and coinciding love that occurs within family dynamics.  It's realistic, sentimental and perfect to cozy up to on a cold day.


There are many versions of Annie the musical now, but for me it will always be this.  Victor Garber as Daddy Warbucks to me is the best representation out there.  This is where my love for acting arrived.  Seeing this as a kid made me feel like I could learn to act and sing someday.  (spoiler alert:  I did! ;) 

Little Women

Is there any question?  So many women I know watch this around Christmas time.  It encapsulates that beautiful girl hood festive feeling , yet still carrying a strong feminist message.  I love everything Marmie is in Susan Sarandon and of course, Wynona is a perfect Jo March. 

The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe

The snow.  Just watching this beautiful magical story will be reason enough to watch this during the winter season.

The Phantom of the Opera

It's eerie, it's mysterious and beautifully played by Patrick Wilson, Gerard Butler and Emmy Rossum.  It is beautifully captured in film! I spent endless months of my life singing to this soundtrack, which is currently making a comeback in my playlists.


Other films & tv not from my personal hard copy collection:

The Lord of the Rings - For the Sega.
A Little Princess - For the tears and beautiful message.
Frozen - For the modern animation lover who just has to 'Let it Go'
Ice Age - For those wishing to laugh at an animated sloth
The Crown - For the history and the cinematic vibes.
The Americans - For everyone wishing they were undercover just like this family.
Home Alone - For the classic Christmas lover.

Theres too many to list...