WORK | Brilliansea Update - Winter 2020


This week marks a year if running Brilliansea.

A year of seeking to create space for the voices of women. Women who are charting their paths, finding creativity in the corners of their lives, starting new ideas and businesses and creating brilliance where ever they go. 

A year of Brilliansea existing and telling us what it wants to be.


We work best when we honour the core values of Brilliansea. Creating space and a platform for the voices of women locally and beyond. It has been a year of many changes and events in our personal and professional lives. Learning to honour each other through these stages, while also running Brilliansea together has grown us and brought us back to the values of Brilliansea.


Entering into this new year, Claire and I will be focusing on continuing to curate and craft the spotlight interviews. We are working on making the group of women we gather for each interview filming session to be diverse, varied in age, mediums and life experience. We want to work on reflecting the immense sea of women we know to be out there. We are also honing in on the right next steps for creating our documentary project based on our short documentary. Along with those two big projects, we are excited to continue connecting with local creative and innovative women by hosting and creating space for socials.

With clarity and a reminder of everything that has created Brilliansea into being, we move onward.