Back to School

I spent the better of two decades telling myself University was not for someone like me.
I thought finances, intellect, individuality, and worthiness were beyond my means.
Was this because of my conservative upbringing, where women were often pigeonholed as the caregivers of their families while the men worked? Was this because of the teachers who saw my marks and considered me a lost cause? Or was this a lie of my own making?

The unwinding of these self-restrictive thoughts continues, but their hold on me does not.

Sitting in the lecture hall of the Unversity of Kings College on the first day of my master’s education earlier this year, I was struck by how, rather than standing out as an odd duck, I was simply normal.

A storyteller and producer who knew and had honed her craft and was ready to refine it to it’s next level.

“Storytelling is your power and home here.” Gillian Turnbull - Director of Writing and Publishing, University of Kings College

Back to school is not just an ‘era’; it is coming home to the side of myself that I had believed I needed to hide. The side that intuitively knows the heartbeat and cadence of the scene, can break down story and character development without blinking and is more knowledgeable about the craft of the story than she lets on. The side that spins words to find healing and wholeness, the side that digs deeper into the personal to dig deeper in the relational. The side that knows that the craft of writing is a craft that can build bridges as quickly as it can burn them.

To the side of myself I had let collect dust and believed was put to bed for good, I say welcome home.

You belong here.