Posts tagged big little lies
READS | September 2023

No Great Mischief | Alistair MacLeod

For anyone who enjoys personal reflections and recollections of memories alongside the atmosphere of the east coast Alistair MacLeod gives us his own and those within this greater family of Scotland, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia and beyond. As a Nova Scotian, I enjoyed the journey. As a reader, I relished the art of language made as rugged as the terrain.

A Thousand Mornings | Mary Oliver

“Sometimes there are no rules.”

Mary Jane | Jessica Anya Blau

I deeply enjoyed the protagonist within this story. She’s as protected, innocent and curious with awe and wonder at what she doesn’t yet know as I remember my own youth. This novel is a capture of what it means to grow up restricted and struggling with the limitations of your upbringing while also being protective and desiring connection with those who have raised you.

Big Little Lies | Liane Moriarty

Having watched and loved the series but not the novel, I felt it was time to read the source material. Liane writes a riveting tale.


Red Sparrow - Because espionage and survival are themes I enjoy when done well.
Selling the O.C. S02 - Because a reality show with pretty houses and silly drama’s takes the edge off of real life.