Posts tagged resonance
2023 | The Year of Resonance

res·o·nance| ˈrezənəns | noun
1 the quality in a sound of being deep, full, and reverberating: the resonance of his voice. • the ability to evoke or suggest images, memories, and emotions: the concepts lose their emotional resonance.
2 Physics the reinforcement or prolongation of sound by reflection from a surface or by the synchronous vibration of a neighboring object.
3 the condition in which an electric circuit or device produces the largest possible response to an applied oscillating signal, especially when its inductive and its capacitative reactances are balanced.

I leave the last hours of 2023 in awe.

Within 356 days, I have found a strength and understanding of myself that I had no idea was waiting for me.

I think of the voices who came alongside me. Those select family members, friends, and colleagues who didn’t let my self-doubt get in the way.

This year, I broke barriers of who I believed myself to be.

I trained myself to align with what would make my work and voice sound more precise, robust and profound.
I produced pieces that I knew would change the trajectory and plights of those in circumstances that needed help.
I connected and was softly mentored by local pillars in the audio medium.
I allowed myself to explore an arena I once believed was above me.
I applied my ideas and passion for a level of training that would change my approach and career.
I gained the awareness and tools to navigate generational and personal trauma.
I navigated the differences with grace, strength and tenderness towards others and myself.

I leave this year prouder and more robust than ever.

Yet as I say that, my eyes glisten with tears, and a deep ache presses against my heart.
I am learning to accept that with profound growth and progress comes a raw ache that exists hand in hand. One doesn’t come without the other.

I have lived a year of bliss and ache in a way I never have before.

Living reaching for resonance has reminded me of my values, abilities, and genuine pain.
They exist hand in hand.

Only hours are left on the clock of 2023, and still, I find thank-you on my lips.

Thank you to the pain.
Thank you to the bliss.
Thank you to the heartache.
Thank you to the courage.
Thank you to the ones who held me.
Thank you to the ones who hurt me.

These lessons are forever tattooed on my heart & with their sacred marks, I go.


Mid Year Reflections | 2023

When I pick a word to walk with for a year, I never know exactly what will happen on that journey. I can only know that the word came to me during reflection and processing of what I wanted for the coming year.


came to me out of a deep desire to sink deeper into a medium and craft of audio storytelling I hadn’t let myself consider or even believe was possible for me. And yet, as 2022 ended, I found a new side of myself. A shiny new side that was there all along.

As I have worked the past six months to align myself with those that would help me develop quality, deep and evocative work and life, I have found something else. Something I didn’t expect.

I wasn’t only finding the fullness of others and the projects but a fullness in myself.

A deepening and broadening of horizons and. The point that I have had a hard time swallowing it all because everything up until this point has told me

  • There is not enough money for you.

  • You don’t have what it takes.

  • Your role is ‘this,’ not ‘that.’

  • You thought you were good at this, but you are not.


Over the past two months, I have started to implement the concept of seeing what aligns with my values as a whole person. Not just as the person who pitches stories… but also as the woman.

The Amy Grace.

What does she want?

What is she capable of?

*it seems so silly to admit to these things… Haven’t I been doing this all along?

Yes & No.

The revelation is that I have been trying to be myself in a box. A box I still desperately wanted to fit.

I was never supposed to fit that box.

With this new understanding, I take resonances hand and explore what is outside the box and what is possible with the me that I am and the me I continue to find out I can be.

2023 | A Year of Resonance
H4n Zoom Recorder, Sharpie Pen, iPhone 14, Notebooks

res·o·nance| ˈrezənəns | noun
1 the quality in a sound of being deep, full, and reverberating: the resonance of his voice. the ability to evoke or suggest images, memories, and emotions: the concepts lose their emotional resonance.
2 Physics the reinforcement or prolongation of sound by reflection from a surface or by the synchronous vibration of a neighboring object.
3 the condition in which an electric circuit or device produces the largest possible response to an applied oscillating signal, especially when its inductive and its capacitative reactances are balanced.

I have been holding back.

All it takes is one quick scroll on Youtube, Instagram or Twitter to realize the number of voices on any one thing is endless. The number of vlogs, podcasts, blogs, essays, articles, series, tik-toks, memes, commentaries, and message boards on any topic is overwhelming at best.

I have found it alarming, overwhelming and, quite frankly, scared to be a voice that isn't adding anything but more noise to the cacophony.

To become part of the machine that doesn't make room for grace, compassion and courage.

Yet, now it's time to think differently. To think with a longer-lasting perspective.


To develop and evoke quality, depth and fullness in creation that echoes through life and work.
To practice the art of resonance is:
To fully express the fullness of thought and meaning behind a concept.
To seek collaborative hands to be the champions and refining behind the work.
To take in more than one angle of perspective on any one thing and be refined by all that surrounds a topic.


Amy Grace

res·o·nance| ˈrezənəns | noun
1 the quality in a sound of being deep, full, and reverberating: the resonance of his voice. the ability to evoke or suggest images, memories, and emotions: the concepts lose their emotional resonance.