This year
we have the privilege of being able to replace our old christmas tree. A bitter sweet thing to do, as our original tree was given to us the year we were married by Jeremy’s grandparents who decided they were done having a big tree. Along with their decade old or more tree they gave us a bunch of vintage ornaments they wouldn’t be using anymore. His grandparents passed away within the past two years. It’s been a heavy and fast loss in that area of our lives but this year we have seen the inheritance and blessings from his grandparents in many areas, especially this one. Hanging those beautiful vintage ornaments is a soft reminder of Grammie and her creative touch.
a night decorating the tree.
I think this is what Christmas, a true and grounded christmas attempts to do every year.
It seeks to remind us of the dearest, most highest and important things on this earth.
To be reminded of that, breaks us open a little bit and gives us insight into what we can’t put words around.
This christmas,
I have decided to do what I am going to call
The December Dailys.
A handful of things I will do daily. A bit like a benediction, prayer, meditation or ritual.
To remind myself of the glory of Christmas and the peaceful preparation it can bring
Read advent cards with Zoe
Light the Advent candle
Read Ann Voskamps advent book
Play christmas songs on the piano