Posts tagged divine
2025 | A Year of Divine


adjective (diviner | dəˈvīnər |, divinest | dəˈvīnist |)

1 of, from, or like God or a god: heroes with divine powers | paintings of shipwrecks being prevented by divine intervention. devoted to God; sacred: divine liturgy.

2 informal excellent; delightful: he had the most divine smile | that succulent clementine tasted divine.

The most provocative thing about life, is that it is consistently providing opportunities to evolve and unravel from the ways in which we have become entangled in constructs, concepts and ideologies.

This year, I am walking into a more embodied way of living, breathing and being. To embrace the word and concept divine to me is a physical, spiritual and metaphysical concept.

Over the years, I have been shedding the understanding of the patriarchal faith I was raised in and learning to lean into a holistic approach to spirituality. The Divine does not need to be divorced from the feminine, and the feminine in me does not need to hide from my masculinity. I can stand and breathe within these two elements, knowing that they exist in their states as all of these elements exist.

The Sun and The Moon.

The Day and the Night.

The Light and the Dark.

The Humanity and the Divinity

I am woman, I am fearless
I am sexy, I'm divine…

- Emmy Meli
