This was an amazing wrap to our year. This meeting of the regulars with the new. I have learned these nights have more to do with trusting the process and what needs to happen and come about then the 'too many plans'. Don't get me wrong, I think this type of thing that we do needs a 'plan' in place, but there has been an environment created over time that has made having an idea capable of landing in the centre of the evening possible. How that idea unfolds is left to a plan bigger than the planner.
And thats what happened here. This night in November.
I truly believe that those who can show up, be them new or regular attenders are meant to be in these conversations that unfold.
An architects manifesto project started us off and changed my heart. Suddenly the questions and struggles I was working through in my work had come face to face with the humble words she had written.
Past colleagues of an old life sat on a couch and related in ways that is beyond the plans and they filtered light into places we all needed to see.
We called out a writer to take that time. That hard decision and struggling realization that there is a need that needs to be met and yet how? How do we meet the needs of our spirits without crushing the needs of others? Yet being a maker, an expresser is the most natural and purest form of a person that not meeting those needs of the self is not meeting the needs of those others. So it's a cycle we have all known, a cycle we face again and again.
And I breathed a sigh of relief at how different and similar these people are. How one can bring me spun around to a new thought, yet at the same time end up nose to nose with the same emotion I have carried.
It's a unity thing.
This group.
What was created...It wasn't because of me opening up a home.
I relinquish that concept.
It was because everyone opens up.
And without that humble, open, vulnerable, safe and encouraging atmosphere,
It wouldn't be.
It couldn't have ever been.
So I thank-you, you creative warrior women. I thank-you for traveling 2014 together and welcoming those who can come by. I thank-you for teaching me that each step means something, and that it's the coming together that matters.
Thank-you for all the conversations we have had in 2014 and all the conversations we will have in 2015! I am humbled and honoured to be apart of your lives.